Measuring range up to
100 m
The Smart Well indicator is equipment for water level measurement in boreholes, dug wells, and reservoirs. The level indicator can measure the level up to 100 metres with a 1 cm accuracy, depending on the probe used.
The level indicator consists of a hydrostatic probe and a control unit. The unit displays the water column height above the probe based on the data achieved from it.
The measurement is influenced by the current atmospheric pressure; however, the measuring deflection caused by the change in the atmospheric pressure can differ by ±0.2 m from the actual level.
The level indicator is designed for a long-term installation; therefore, you are immediately informed of the state of the water.
Maximum deflection
0.2 m
The assembly of the level indicator is
The core of the level indicator is a measuring unit for data assessment.
A probe made of stainless steel and materials harmless to health are an integral part.
The package includes all the materials necessary for the installation. SmartWell
For boreholes, we recommend fastening the probe and cord to the pump pipe to ensure the accuracy of the measurement and also to prevent the pump or probe from getting damaged when being removed from the borehole.
For this purpose, the package includes a holder and tightening straps. Hanging the probe in a reservoir and well is possible only using the original probe cord.
The control unit may be placed thanks to its water resistance and the possibility to power it from a battery wherever it suits you.
Accessoriesare also a part of the package
Information on an easy-to-read
The SW1 unit is the core of the battery level indicator and is controlled by a microprocessor. An easy-to-read LED-backlit LCD displays the measured values.
A water-resistant button is placed on the bottom side of the unit. The power supply is secured by one 9V battery that has, thanks to the automatic Standby mode, a lifespan longer than two years.
A sturdy plastic box with dimensions 78 mm x 118 mm x 54 mm ensures the electronic parts stay protected from mechanical damage and water leakage.
Onlineinformation at all times
The SW2 unit is the core of the online level indicator. Thanks to this unit, you can check the current level state under control from any corner of the world.
Graphs, information about the ambient temperature, and the possibility of implementation into a smart home are a matter of course.
Because it is easy to connect and start it without a single setup, the Smart Well is unrivalled.
A sturdy plastic box with dimensions 126 mm x 55 mm x 176 mm ensures the electronic parts stay protected from mechanical damage and water leakage.
Zobrazení stavu
v procentech
Jednotka SW5 je srdcem bateriového hladinoměru a je řízena mikroprocesorem. Pro zobrazení naměřených hodnot slouží celkem 7 červených kontrolek.
O měření se stará soustava sedmi samostatných sond, které je možné umístit v libovolné vzdálenosti a tak docílit optimálního rozsahu měření.
O ochranu elektronických částí proti mechanickým poškozením a vniknutí vody se stará bytelný plastový box o rozměru 78 mm x 118 mm x 54 mm.
A probe is an integral part of the level indicator, which measures the level of the water column above it. We recommend placing it at the same height as the pump protection sensor. If a pump does not have a sensor, it is recommended to place the probe approximately 1 m above the pump.
In our offer, you can find a wide range of probes from which you can find the one that fits your needs.
The hydrostatic probe made of
stainless steel
Extension cords
from 5 m
Even though the cord of the S1 probe is 45 m, the S2 is 75 m, the S3 is 15 m, and S4 is 105 m, it might not be long enough for some customers because of the placement of the control unit.
The level indicator operation is so easy that everyone can do it after a correct calibration and installation.
With the SW1 unit, just press one button to display all the information.
With the SW2 unit, simply open the website, where you can immediately see all the information, from the current state to the graphs.
The operation is
Keep your investment
under control
Investing in foundation of a well is not modest. When you have a well constructed, you want it to work perfectly for many years. If you treat it well, it will reward you with good water as well as long-term service.
One of the key factors is the supervision of the water level. Pumping too much water might damage the well and the pump irreversibly. Measuring the water level with a string is inappropriate and, in the case of boreholes, even impossible.
Every manipulation might contaminate the water. The graph shows the behaviour of an average borehole level based on the seasons.
At our e-shop, you may purchase complete kits of level indicators with all the technical parameters included. You can find information about the purpose for which each kit is suitable.
Are you still undecided and in need of help? Do not hesitate to contact us. We will discuss your situation together to find the best solution for you.
We are also people
contact us
We do not only offer a probe. We also offer a wide range of accessories to meet everyone’s demands.
Thanks to state-of-the-art technologies, power consumption is insignificant; as a result, there are minimal operating expenses.
A plastic box with an IP65 enclosure ensures water resistance and safety. The electric circuit thus stays protected from dust, rain, and snow.
By using high-quality components, long-term reliability and functionality are ensured.
Customer service is free of charge.
Easy installation, maintenance-free, made in the Czech Republic.
A possibility to find out how much water there is in your borehole? Anytime and precisely? Priceless.
Delivery is FREE
Yes. The Smart Well level indicators are suitable for all types of boreholes, wells, and reservoirs.
We supply the Smart Well Level indicators with all the accessories; therefore, you do not need to buy any additional parts.
The Smart Well level indicators are unique in their simplicity and the fact that the only thing you have to do is to calibrate them. The calibration process is very user-friendly, and it is described in detail in the manuals.
We aim to dispatch the goods on the day of the order, alternatively on the first working day after ordering.
Yes, we also deliver our goods abroad. In this case, the delivery price is 150 CZK (6€).
You can order our products on our e-shop or contact us:
Martin Carda: +420 605 909 999 (CZ, EN)
Smart Inventions s.r.o.
Nová Ves u Světlé 69
582 91 Světlá Nad Sázavou
IČ: 09001263
DIČ: CZ09001263
RB: 1995198020/5500